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les Tambouilles de Nadia
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un sourire par mois ....
les Tambouilles de Nadia
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un sourire par mois ....
les Tambouilles de Nadia
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2 participants
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Nombre de messages : 130
Points : 115
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2008

mitaines Empty
MessageSujet: mitaines   mitaines Icon_minitimeMer 16 Déc 2009 - 9:52

coucou, je n'arrive pas à aller dans le coin tricot donc je poste ici

vous voulez bien m'aider , s'il vous plait

j'ai une traduction à faire et je ne m'en sors pas .
Cast on 60 stitches onto needles of choice, use 30/30 for magic loop or two circulars, 30/15/15 for
DPNs. Join to knit in the round without twisting, and begin Broad Spiral Rib.
Broad Spiral Rib:
tw2r = knit two stitches together, leave stitches on left needle, knit first stitch and slip both
stitches off needle.
Round 1 and 3: *p1, k4, p1* repeat from * around.
Round 2: *p1, tw2r 2 times, p1* repeat from * around.
Round 4: *p1, k1, tw2r, k1, p1* repeat from * around.
Repeat these four rounds for 2 inches.
Begin Wings of the Swan pattern, knitting the first four stitches of the round, then knitting the lace
insert for 23 stitches, then knitting rest of the round in plain stockinette. You may find it useful to
place markers before and after the lace panel to help you keep your place. Knit two repeats of
the chart, or desired length, then begin gusset.
M1R = Bring the tip of the left-hand needle under the strand between stitches, from back to front.
Knit this loop.
M1L = Bring the tip of the left-hand needle under the strand between stitches, from front to back.
Knit through the back of the loop.
You will continue the lace panel as established while simultaneously shaping the thumb gusset.
Next round: k4, work across lace panel, k4, place marker, m1R, k1, m1L, place marker, knit
remaining stitches. [3 thumb stitches between markers]
Work 3 rounds, knitting in pattern across lace panel, knitting plain for rest of round.
Increase round: work across lace panel as established, knit to first gusset marker, slip marker,
m1R, work to next marker, m1L, slip marker. Knit to end of round. [5 thumb stitches between
Repeat last four rounds seven times MORE, increasing two stitches every fourth round. You
will have 19 stitches between markers. After completing the last increase round, work one round
as follows:
Next round: work to one stitch before first gusset marker, slip 19 stitches to waste yarn, use
backwards loop method to cast on 1 stitch, knit remaining stitches. You can remove your gusset
markers as you do this.
Top of Mitt:
You should be ready to start row 7 of the chart. Continue knitting in the round until you have
finished the chart, working lace panel as established, and knitting the rest of the stitches.
Knit one round, knitting all stitches, then begin top ribbing.
Top Ribbing: *K2, P2* Repeat from * around (60 stitches)
Continue top ribbing for ½ inch, or desired length. Bind off loosely.
Return held thumb stitches to needle(s). Pick up 5 stitches in the gap for a total of 24 stitches.
Dividing the stitches evenly between needles, attach a new piece of yarn and knit in stockinette
for three rounds. Next round, begin top ribbing as for top of mitt, and work in rib for three rounds.
Bind off loosely.
Work in all loose ends and block as desired.

j'ai fait le début :
monter 60 m avec les aig de votre choix (méthode magic loop ou 2 circulaires).
joindre sans tordre le travail et commencer le Broad Spiral Rib.

Tw2r : tricoter 2 mailles ensemble, laisser les mailles sur l'aiguille gauche, tricoter la 1er maille et glisser ????

R1 et 3 : répéter ce point *1 m env, 4 m end, 1 m env*
R2 : *1 m env, tw2r 2fois, 1 m env*
R4 : *1 m env, 1 m end, tw2r, 1 m end, 1 m env
répéter pendant 2 inches ces 4 rangs

Gousset : tricoter "wings of the swan pattern" , tricoter mes 4 premières mailles du rang, puis tricoter le diagramme sur 23 mailles, puis tricoter le reste des mailles.
vous pouvez trouver de mettre des marqueurs avant et après le diagramme pour vous aidez à le laisser à la bonne place. Tricoter 2 fois le diagramme ou la longueur souhaitée et commencer le gousset

gousset :
M1R : ???????
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Nombre de messages : 2315
Age : 54
Localisation : Le Bailleul ( sarthe )
Points : 1531
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2008

mitaines Empty
MessageSujet: Re: mitaines   mitaines Icon_minitimeMer 16 Déc 2009 - 23:17

whouah! bon , ben , je suis pas la bonne personne pour t'aider , sorry..

si tu peux pas poster dans le coin tricot , c'est peut être parce que tu n'as pas demandé à faire partie du groupe des tricoteuses ....

bises Nadia
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